COVID-19 Re-Opening Plan


As Bethel prepares to re-open for worship, the deacons, other ministry leaders, and myself have met twice to discuss steps that need to be taken in order to open with the safety and health of our congregation in mind. The surveys that you submitted were very helpful in giving us a good idea what was on your mind when it comes to re-gathering for worship. The following guidelines have been put in place and will be followed until we see a need to modify them.

STAGE I: Weekend worship only
Stage ONE reopening will be instituted with no more than 75 people (25% sanctuary capacity) in attendance. The 75 in attendance includes everyone on campus at one time, meaning the pastor, worship team, security, and sound technicians all factor in for the total of 75. This initial gathering will be for weekend worship only, there will still be no Sunday School, coffee time, evening worship time or Wednesday evening Bible study. Sunday and Wednesday nights will continue on-line for the present time.

Based on the average Sunday morning worship service attendance, we will hold two services at different times to accommodate everyone. The two different service times will allow for proper cleaning of the church facilities between services. The two service times offered will be:
Saturday evening: 6:30 p.m. (contemporary service)
Sunday morning: 10:30 a.m. (traditional service)


  • Maximum 75 per service;
  • You must call the church office to reserve a worship time no later than noon on Friday of each week, and you must stick to that time;
  • If anyone in your family is exhibiting any cold or flu-like symptoms or is running a fever you and your entire family are asked to refrain from coming;
  • Pews will be sanitized between services;
  • Every other pew will be taped off to adhere to social distancing guidelines;
  • Bathrooms will be cleaned between services;
  • Social distancing, keeping six feet apart, will be in effect;
  • Face masks are not required but recommended (the church will not provide face masks);
  • There will be no handshaking or hugs; physical contact will be avoided;
  • Temperature checks will be conducted for all volunteers serving;


  • Hand sanitizer will be available at the welcome center
  • The front door will be propped open, weather permitting, along with the west end foyer doors to provide good ventilation;
  • The offering will be placed in a box in the foyer, no offering plates will be used;
  • There will be no bulletins;
  • You are asked to refrain from congregating in the foyer


  • All hymnals, Bibles and other material will be removed from the pews;
  • Every other pew will be taped off to adhere to social distancing guidelines;
  • Families will need to sit together;
  • Sanctuary doors will be propped open;
  • After the service you will be asked to leave in an orderly fashion to adhere to social distancing guidelines;


  • Cleaned between services;
  • Social distancing should be followed as much as possible;